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Do You Know the Truth Guest Column - Marshall Hudson-Knapp

June 1, 2022

Marshall Hudson Knapp
I am beginning to wonder, perhaps like Pontius Pilate when he spoke with Jesus, "What IS treuth? " Realizing my own tendency to ignore and deny realities that trouble me, and my desire to proclaim others who disagree with me as WRONG, I have come to believe that truth is a complex, dynamic organism.

For example, when we become upset about something, we experience a powerful urge to find someone to BLAME. Some of us have learned to regularly blame ourselves. Others prefer blaming some "other". It began in the garden of Eden when Adam blamed Eve for sin. If we really long to know the truth, it involves exchanging our temptation to pin the tail on any donkey for a wide ranging investigation of ALL the factors that contribute to a problem. That leads to a more whole truth.

In a class about Difficult Conversations one person reported on a very upsetting family conflict. Everyone (including me) was convinced that one individual was the "bad guy."Then we stopped and tried to identify all the factors that contributed to this problem. TWENTY items later we had a vastly wider understanding of Truth.

Next time you find yourself telling a story to avoid conflict or embarrassment, maybe you’ll ask, "Do I want to lie? How precious is the truth?"

Next time you hear yourself thinking, "I KNOW the truth!" you might ask, "What might I learn from the people who see this differently?"

Next time you’re feeling, "She is to blame!" you might stop and ask, "What are all the factors contributing to this situation?"

If we Rotarians are hungry to know and speak truth it will involve a lifelong search that includes curiosity, courage, and humility. Don’t give up! May this be true for you and all of us in Rotary: "Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free!"

Author: Marshall Hudson-Knapp

Do You Know the Truth Guest Column - Marshall Hudson-Knapp

June 1, 2022

Marshall Hudson Knapp
I am beginning to wonder, perhaps like Pontius Pilate when he spoke with Jesus, "What IS treuth? " Realizing my own tendency to ignore and deny realities that trouble me, and my desire to proclaim others who disagree with me as WRONG, I have come to believe that truth is a complex, dynamic organism.

For example, when we become upset about something, we experience a powerful urge to find someone to BLAME. Some of us have learned to regularly blame ourselves. Others prefer blaming some "other". It began in the garden of Eden when Adam blamed Eve for sin. If we really long to know the truth, it involves exchanging our temptation to pin the tail on any donkey for a wide ranging investigation of ALL the factors that contribute to a problem. That leads to a more whole truth.

In a class about Difficult Conversations one person reported on a very upsetting family conflict. Everyone (including me) was convinced that one individual was the "bad guy."Then we stopped and tried to identify all the factors that contributed to this problem. TWENTY items later we had a vastly wider understanding of Truth.

Next time you find yourself telling a story to avoid conflict or embarrassment, maybe you’ll ask, "Do I want to lie? How precious is the truth?"

Next time you hear yourself thinking, "I KNOW the truth!" you might ask, "What might I learn from the people who see this differently?"

Next time you’re feeling, "She is to blame!" you might stop and ask, "What are all the factors contributing to this situation?"

If we Rotarians are hungry to know and speak truth it will involve a lifelong search that includes curiosity, courage, and humility. Don’t give up! May this be true for you and all of us in Rotary: "Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free!"

Author: Marshall Hudson-Knapp

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