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MAU Interact Club

September is Basic Education and Literacy Month
every rotarian every year

MAU Interact Club

Mount Anthony Union High School Interact Club

What is Interact?

Interact is a service club for young people ages 14-18. Sponsored by local Rotary clubs, Interact clubs give young people an opportunity to participate in fun, meaningful service projects while developing leadership skills and meeting new friends.

Interactors and Rotarians are partners in service. Rotarians mentor promising youth in their communities. Interactors bring new energy to a Rotary club, inspire fresh ideas for service, increase support of projects, and help develop future Rotarians.

Interact Goals..

  • Develop leadership skills and personal integrity.
  • Demonstrate helpfulness and respect for others.
  • Understand the value of individual responsibility and hard work.
  • Advance international understanding and goodwill.

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Interact News

How Interacters Are Handling the Covid-19 Changes
June 1, 2020

The quick end to the in-person school year was hard for the Interact club. As a club we were excited about many of the spring events that we annually help out with. Some of these including Italian night, the pancake breakfast, and outside events and festivals. Sadly, many of those events we cannot help with anymore. Now that we are all home, we all have to adjust to new lifestyles.

Sadly, for the foreign exchange students that joined the club, most of them had to return to their home countries. I personally have been taking this time to relax and de-stress. It is been nice to spend time at home and get a lot of house chores done. Zoom classes are starting to feel normal and I finally feel like I have adjusted to all the free time. I really hope that all the seniors and I can go to college in the fall and the underclassmen can get back and enjoy their time in high school. A lot of colleges at this time are starting to put together fall plans which will hopefully include all the seniors being able to go. It has been a wild time but here is what the officers and a few other interact members have been doing: Elizabeth Buttle, (President)

"I have been spending a lot more time with my family during quarantine which is a plus. It was hard at first to not see my friends, but since the weather is getting nicer, we have been able to go on walks. I'm looking forward to when things are back to normal, and hopefully I will be able to go away for college in the fall." - Erin Farrell (Vice President) "I've been using this time in quarantine to catch up and do things that I wouldn't normally be able to do. I finished my first year at CCV (Early College) a few weeks ago, so I have a lot of free time currently. I like to go running, play volleyball, and just spend time outside. However, I am definitely missing my extracurricular clubs and all of the fun school events like prom." - McKenzie Kelly (Secretary)

"Throughout quarantine I have been spending time outside, doing activities like biking and golf occasionally. Thankfully, I have had the opportunity to talk on the phone and zoom with my great grandmother. Other than that, I have been talking with friends and spending a lot of time with my family. Times are very hard for everyone right now, but I am just trying to stay positive and be hopeful for the future." - Asa Burrows-Crane (Treasurer)

"When quarantine started, I focused a lot on my studies and started some art projects. Got fancy in the kitchen with baking and as the weather has gotten nicer, I've been kayaking, hiking and working out almost every day. I have begun to enjoy the quarantine life, but I cannot wait to get back to my regular schedule with all my athletics." - Abby Farrington "I have mostly been keeping up with my classes and studying for AP tests. Outside of this, I've been playing tennis and golfing with my friends." - Michael McKenna "During quarantine I have been coding programs which automate certain actions in a game. I have been selling these programs and creating a business of sorts. Besides this I have been playing basketball and golfing. At first it was weird not being able to interact with my friends in person, but now it is feeling more normal. My friends and I talk regularly by playing video games or golfing together." - Nicholas Salem

(Many thanks to Interact President Elizabeth Buttle for gathering and organizing these responses.)

Author: Sally Sugarman (Club Member & Windmill Editor)