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Learn About Rotary

February is Peace and Conflict Prevention/Resolution Month
every rotarian every year

Learn About Rotary

Reasons to Join Rotary

Membership Responsibilites

"Membership is every Rotarians responsibility.
If you know someone who has all the
qualities of a
good Rotarian
and you're an active member of a Rotary club, consider proposing that person for membership"
Club Attendance:
Attending weekly club meetings allows members to enjoy fellowship, enrich their professional and personal knowledge, and meet other business leaders in their community.

If members miss a meeting of their own club, theyre encouraged to expand their Rotary horizons by attending a meeting of an Interact Club or any other Rotary club in the world.

Rotary Club Service:
By participating in local and international service projects, club members can volunteer their time and talents where theyre most needed.

The Five Avenues of Service are Rotarys philosophical cornerstone and the foundation on which club activity is based:
  • Club Service: focuses on strengthening fellowship and ensuring the clubs effective functioning.
  • Vocational Service: encourages Rotarians to serve others through their vocations and to practice high ethical standards.
  • Community Service: covers the projects and activities the club undertakes to improve life in its community.
  • International Service: encompasses actions taken to expand Rotarys humanitarian reach around the globe and to promote world understanding and peace.
  • Youth Services: recognizes the positive change implemented by youth and young adults through leadership development activities.

How do I become a member of Rotary?

A person being considered for membership is invited by an existing club member, or sponsor, to attend one or more club meetings to learn more about Rotary. In this case, the sponsor submits the candidates name to the club's membership committee.

New Members can get involved in their clubs, communities, and the world through Rotary. As a new member, you'll get a chance to become more involved in your community and to provide aid to other parts of the world through the opportunities that your Rotary club and Rotary International offer. Longtime Rotarians agree that involvement is key to getting the most out of membership. Volunteer to serve on a committee that meets your interests, to be a greeter for weekly club meetings, or to join a service project team. These activities will help you get to know your fellow club members and better understand the work of Rotary.

Please note that Membership in a Rotary club is by invitation only.

What are the qualifications for membership?

Prospective members must:
  • Hold (or be retired from) a professional, proprietary, executive, managerial, or community position
  • Have demonstrated a commitment to service through personal involvement
  • Be able to meet the club's weekly attendance or community project participation requirements
  • Live or work within the vicinity of the club or surrounding area

What are the responsibilities of membership?

Members are expected to attend weekly club meetings. They must pay annual dues to their clubs, their Rotary district, and Rotary International, and theyre expected to participate in local or international Rotary club activities or projects. Clubs encourage members to aspire to club leadership or committee roles. An attendance record of 50 percent is required to remain an active Rotarian. Any missed meeting must be made up within 14 days before or after the regular meeting. To accommodate busy schedules, there are various opportunities to make up missed meetings.