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What is a Communications Coordinator?

November 1, 2021

Jonah Spivak
A good question! This past summer the Select Board of the town of Bennington decided to create a new position to improve communications for the town internally and outward to the community. When I saw the notice, I felt that it both fit my skill set and more importantly… it fit with the type of work that has been the most fulfilling for me professionally over the last several years, namely public service. I am humbled and honored that my application was accepted.

Humbled because while I know I have the necessary skills, I realize how important this job could and should be and I don't want to disappoint anyone. Honored because it represents a trust that is being given to me and I take that trust extremely seriously. This is a new position. As such, I have the opportunity to craft what this position will look like, and I invite my fellow Rotarians to assist me in this effort. I greatly appreciate the feedback and input I have already received and welcome more! I joined Rotary in part because I believe in the four way test. I'd like to share how this same test guides me every day in my new role. Is it the truth? This more than anything is my guiding principal. The current levels of distrust in government in general makes this particularly important.

Is it fair to all concerned? As a community, some people have more of a voice than others. That is a simple fact. That is why this test is the one that guides me when I think about equity and inclusion. I feel strongly that an important part of my role should be to help be that voice for those who might not otherwise be heard. Meeting Chloe from the BCCH at a Rotary Meeting was wonderful and I've reached out to her already to build collaboration there.

Will it build Goodwill and Better Friendships? More than anything we need to get away from the idea of tribal politics where each side demonizes the other. One benefit of having a select board style of government for our town means that nobody really cares what party you belong to, whereas if we had a mayoral style of government, what party you belong to would be likely more well known than what skills or ideas you may have to offer. I see my role as apolitical and I embrace the town motto… Serving People Through Teamwork.

Will it be Beneficial to all concerned? The last of the four way tests, and perhaps at first glance the weakest because it is last on the list. I would offer that in fact this is the hardest and greatest test of all. To have as a guiding principle that ALL will benefit means that we must be the most unselfish and the most empathetic we can possibly be. That is a principal that goes to the heart of every action we take every day and truly defines not just who we are as a person… but what our society could be IF and ONLY IF we all embrace it. This challenges every notion of self interest and thus is truly the hardest. So it's only been a month in this new job! And while I still have a lot to learn, I hope you will join me in this journey and support me with your ideas and feedback.

Author: Jonah Spivak

What is a Communications Coordinator?

November 1, 2021

Jonah Spivak
A good question! This past summer the Select Board of the town of Bennington decided to create a new position to improve communications for the town internally and outward to the community. When I saw the notice, I felt that it both fit my skill set and more importantly… it fit with the type of work that has been the most fulfilling for me professionally over the last several years, namely public service. I am humbled and honored that my application was accepted.

Humbled because while I know I have the necessary skills, I realize how important this job could and should be and I don't want to disappoint anyone. Honored because it represents a trust that is being given to me and I take that trust extremely seriously. This is a new position. As such, I have the opportunity to craft what this position will look like, and I invite my fellow Rotarians to assist me in this effort. I greatly appreciate the feedback and input I have already received and welcome more! I joined Rotary in part because I believe in the four way test. I'd like to share how this same test guides me every day in my new role. Is it the truth? This more than anything is my guiding principal. The current levels of distrust in government in general makes this particularly important.

Is it fair to all concerned? As a community, some people have more of a voice than others. That is a simple fact. That is why this test is the one that guides me when I think about equity and inclusion. I feel strongly that an important part of my role should be to help be that voice for those who might not otherwise be heard. Meeting Chloe from the BCCH at a Rotary Meeting was wonderful and I've reached out to her already to build collaboration there.

Will it build Goodwill and Better Friendships? More than anything we need to get away from the idea of tribal politics where each side demonizes the other. One benefit of having a select board style of government for our town means that nobody really cares what party you belong to, whereas if we had a mayoral style of government, what party you belong to would be likely more well known than what skills or ideas you may have to offer. I see my role as apolitical and I embrace the town motto… Serving People Through Teamwork.

Will it be Beneficial to all concerned? The last of the four way tests, and perhaps at first glance the weakest because it is last on the list. I would offer that in fact this is the hardest and greatest test of all. To have as a guiding principle that ALL will benefit means that we must be the most unselfish and the most empathetic we can possibly be. That is a principal that goes to the heart of every action we take every day and truly defines not just who we are as a person… but what our society could be IF and ONLY IF we all embrace it. This challenges every notion of self interest and thus is truly the hardest. So it's only been a month in this new job! And while I still have a lot to learn, I hope you will join me in this journey and support me with your ideas and feedback.

Author: Jonah Spivak

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