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Peace of Still Waters

June 1, 2019

Cathy McClure
"When despair for the world grows in me and I wake in the night at the least sound in fear of what my life and my children's lives might be,"

With these words, the first three lines of a poem by Wendell Berry, I began the invocation at our May 17thRotary meeting. Giving the invocation at a Rotary meeting is a weighty and meaningful experience. We want the words to have relevance, to be timely, to be inspirational or cause us to think deeply. The final words of this poem mark the peace of still waters, the beauty of nature: "For a time I rest in the grace of the world and I am free". The silence in the room afterwards seemed to reflect back to me, yes free from despair for a time; but what of hope.

We as humans can hold contradictory thoughts, and hope must temper despair. As Rotarians our actions and thought are guided by the four way test and our lives by service above self. We are symbols and role models for hope in our communities and internationally. Locally, our Youth/Vocational Committee offers all of us meaningful interactions with youth, a bright outlook for the future. On June 13that our monthly social we will honor Interact members for their community service, honor the students who will receive our student achievement awards, and announce the recipients of our scholarships. Rotaract will soon give us opportunities to engage with a greater number of young adults and support vocational and avocational goals. These college students and young professionals will provide leadership and positive action. Our bell restoration project has opportunities to engage with youth, from writing bell histories with students to publication of graphic representations of local, historic bells. Although not recently, our members have supported full year and summer international student exchanges, Interact members' work trips in Nicaragua, and the Four Way Test speech competition for high school students. These are important opportunities for knowing and understanding others, and for building a hopeful future; but these experiences are not sustainable without greater participation from our members. Join the Youth/Vocational Committee. You will find "the grace of the world" in hope.

Author: Cathy McClure
Sally Sugarman (Club Member & Windmill Editor)

Peace of Still Waters

June 1, 2019

Cathy McClure
"When despair for the world grows in me and I wake in the night at the least sound in fear of what my life and my children's lives might be,"

With these words, the first three lines of a poem by Wendell Berry, I began the invocation at our May 17thRotary meeting. Giving the invocation at a Rotary meeting is a weighty and meaningful experience. We want the words to have relevance, to be timely, to be inspirational or cause us to think deeply. The final words of this poem mark the peace of still waters, the beauty of nature: "For a time I rest in the grace of the world and I am free". The silence in the room afterwards seemed to reflect back to me, yes free from despair for a time; but what of hope.

We as humans can hold contradictory thoughts, and hope must temper despair. As Rotarians our actions and thought are guided by the four way test and our lives by service above self. We are symbols and role models for hope in our communities and internationally. Locally, our Youth/Vocational Committee offers all of us meaningful interactions with youth, a bright outlook for the future. On June 13that our monthly social we will honor Interact members for their community service, honor the students who will receive our student achievement awards, and announce the recipients of our scholarships. Rotaract will soon give us opportunities to engage with a greater number of young adults and support vocational and avocational goals. These college students and young professionals will provide leadership and positive action. Our bell restoration project has opportunities to engage with youth, from writing bell histories with students to publication of graphic representations of local, historic bells. Although not recently, our members have supported full year and summer international student exchanges, Interact members' work trips in Nicaragua, and the Four Way Test speech competition for high school students. These are important opportunities for knowing and understanding others, and for building a hopeful future; but these experiences are not sustainable without greater participation from our members. Join the Youth/Vocational Committee. You will find "the grace of the world" in hope.

Author: Cathy McClure
Sally Sugarman (Club Member & Windmill Editor)

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