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Meet the District Governor, Venu Rao

Aug 1, 2018

Venu Rao
Venu Rao was born in India, the eldest of five siblings. He has three sisters and one brother. The last brother and sister are twins. In his first year of college where he was studying engineering, his father died. As the eldest, he was responsible for the family. He finished college and was working.

His father had died of a brain tumor and the surgeon asked if Venu could develop a pressure gauge. Venu was teaching at this point so he did this as a project with his students. A visiting professor from Villanova observed the class and was so impressed, he got Venu a scholarship to Villanova College. With the scholarship, Venu was able to get his master's and also send money home to his family.

Venu worked thirty-one years for the Department of Defense, retiring in 2006. He is married to Gautami Rao, a cancer specialist who works at Massachusetts General. For eight years in a row, she has been designated the best hematology oncologist. Their daughter, Anupama graduated from Michigan State and is starting a five year PsyD program in Child Clinical Psychology.

Venu joined Rotary in Hollis, New Hampshire where he lives for the Fellowship, but soon found himself the Chair of the Public Relations Committee (2013-2016) and involved in projects. He was club president from 2015-2016.

Besides serving on his local school board, Venu helped start the Hollis Energy Committee in 2009 with the goal of all municipal buildings utilizing reusable energy by 2029.

Venu's philosophy is that everyone has a sphere of influence and a sphere of concerns. One should focus on the sphere of influence. As one gets good at it, the sphere of influence increases and you can achieve more. Don't feel guilty about what you can't do, but solve those problems that you can. This seems like a useful guideline for Rotarians who wish to accomplish the goals of Rotary.

Author: Sally Sugarman (Club Member & Windmill Editor)

Meet the District Governor, Venu Rao

Aug 1, 2018

Venu Rao
Venu Rao was born in India, the eldest of five siblings. He has three sisters and one brother. The last brother and sister are twins. In his first year of college where he was studying engineering, his father died. As the eldest, he was responsible for the family. He finished college and was working.

His father had died of a brain tumor and the surgeon asked if Venu could develop a pressure gauge. Venu was teaching at this point so he did this as a project with his students. A visiting professor from Villanova observed the class and was so impressed, he got Venu a scholarship to Villanova College. With the scholarship, Venu was able to get his master's and also send money home to his family.

Venu worked thirty-one years for the Department of Defense, retiring in 2006. He is married to Gautami Rao, a cancer specialist who works at Massachusetts General. For eight years in a row, she has been designated the best hematology oncologist. Their daughter, Anupama graduated from Michigan State and is starting a five year PsyD program in Child Clinical Psychology.

Venu joined Rotary in Hollis, New Hampshire where he lives for the Fellowship, but soon found himself the Chair of the Public Relations Committee (2013-2016) and involved in projects. He was club president from 2015-2016.

Besides serving on his local school board, Venu helped start the Hollis Energy Committee in 2009 with the goal of all municipal buildings utilizing reusable energy by 2029.

Venu's philosophy is that everyone has a sphere of influence and a sphere of concerns. One should focus on the sphere of influence. As one gets good at it, the sphere of influence increases and you can achieve more. Don't feel guilty about what you can't do, but solve those problems that you can. This seems like a useful guideline for Rotarians who wish to accomplish the goals of Rotary.

Author: Sally Sugarman (Club Member & Windmill Editor)

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